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How Should Prosthetic Teeth Be Stored?

By 16 August 2023August 18th, 2023Dental Health3 min read

Prosthetic teeth, such as dentures or dental bridges, should be properly stored when they are not being worn to ensure their longevity, hygiene, and proper maintenance. Here are some guidelines on how to store prosthetic teeth:

1. Keep Them Moist:

  • Prosthetic teeth should be kept moist to prevent them from drying out and becoming brittle.
  • Store them in a container with water or a denture soaking solution specifically designed for denture care. Make sure the solution is not too strong, as it can damage the prosthetic material over time.

2. Avoid Hot Water:

  • Do not use hot water to soak or clean prosthetic teeth, as high temperatures can cause them to warp or lose their shape.

3. Protect from Breakage:

  • Handle prosthetic teeth carefully to avoid dropping them and causing damage.
  • When not being worn, store them in a sturdy denture case to prevent breakage.

4. Keep Away from Pets:

  • Keep prosthetic teeth away from pets, as some animals may be attracted to the smell or texture and may attempt to chew or play with them.

5. Cleaning Before Storage:

  • Before storing prosthetic teeth, ensure they are clean. Rinse them thoroughly to remove any food particles, adhesive, or residue.

6. Regular Maintenance:

  • Regularly clean and brush prosthetic teeth using a soft-bristle denture brush and a mild denture cleaner. Do not use regular toothpaste, as it can be abrasive and damage the prosthetic material.

7. Nighttime Storage:

  • Many people remove and store their prosthetic teeth at night to give their gums and oral tissues a chance to rest. Follow your dentist’s recommendations on when and how to wear and store your prosthetic teeth.

8. Avoid Drying Out:

  • Do not let prosthetic teeth sit out in the open air for prolonged periods, as they can dry out and become distorted.

9. Follow Dentist’s Instructions:

  • Your dentist will provide specific instructions for the care and storage of your prosthetic teeth based on the type of prosthetic and the materials used.

10. Regular Dental Check-ups:

  • Schedule regular dental check-ups to ensure your prosthetic teeth fit well and are in good condition. Your dentist can provide adjustments or replacements if needed.

Remember that proper care and storage of prosthetic teeth are essential for maintaining their appearance, function, and longevity. If you have any specific instructions from your dentist, be sure to follow them closely. If you encounter any issues with your prosthetic teeth, such as discomfort, changes in fit, or damage, consult your dentist for advice and assistance.

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