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Teeth Whitening

Get information about Teeth Whitening with the explanation of specialist dentist Mehmet Ali Koldas.

teeth whitening

Teeth Whitening (Bleaching) is the generic name for any chemical product which is used industrially and domestically to clean, to lighten hair color and to remove stains. It often refers, specifically, to a dilute solution of sodium hypochlorite, also called “liquid bleach“.

However in Prime Dental Turkey we’d prefer to use new technology and techniques such as; hydrogen peroxide and laser whitening  which are considered healthful whitening techniques.

The other thing about whitening that we want to mention is home bleaching. If you choose Prime Dental Turkey for your dental whitening we also give you a home bleaching set. Our dentists will explain to you how to use home bleaching and medical consultant team will help you about it even you’re in your home country.

The ratio of the elements in the tooth determines the tooth color that is unique to the person. Tooth color is naturally personal like eye, skin and hair color and has a wide range of colors. Over the years, factors such as consumption of beverages such as tea, cola and coffee, smoking, root canal treatment and drug use cause a change in the natural color of the tooth and some staining. By protecting the dental health and without causing the teeth to wear down, the teeth whitening process, which is a reliable and economical treatment, can enable the person to return to their natural and healthy tooth color. Let’s take a look at the most frequently asked questions about teeth whitening. Just like hair, eye or skin color, tooth color changes over time depending on the consumption of beverages such as cola, coffee, tea, and worst of all, cigarettes. In addition to various beverages and, most importantly, smoking, root canal treatment applications and also the use of some drugs can be effective in the change of tooth color. Teeth whitening, which is the most preferred application for a white smile, which is the most important criterion of an aesthetic smile, allows the teeth to regain their natural color without damaging the natural structure of the teeth and gums.

Why Do Teeth Turn Yellow?

Smoking, which not only harms our health, is also among the most effective factors in the yellowing of teeth. Even if the teeth are brushed at regular intervals, as there is continuous use, the teeth of smokers turn yellow over time. Consumption of cola and similar carbonated beverages, coffee and tea consumed during the day is also very effective in the loss of the natural color of the teeth. Red wine causes discoloration of teeth, just as it leaves stains that are not easily removed when spilled. Although most people do not even think about it, the coloring food dyes put into the ready-to-eat foods consumed have the same dye effect on the tooth surfaces with the consumption of these foods, and as a result, they play a role in the deterioration of the natural color of the teeth. In addition to all these, even just getting older is enough for the teeth to turn yellow because the structure of the tooth surface deteriorates with advancing age, and because the tooth surface becomes rough, the teeth become more stain-resistant due to the increase of these cracks.

Office and Home Type Teeth Whitening

Office type, which is the type of application in which the patient’s teeth are usually whitened in a single session in the clinic, is a frequently demanded application among teeth whitening techniques today. Tooth whitening, which is defined as home type, is the measurement of the patient’s teeth and the application of the medicines given by the physician together with the oral prosthesis specially made for the patient, at the patient’s home for a few days, within certain hours. Office type teeth whitening process; It is the application of a special solution prepared by the physician on the patient’s teeth so that the gums are not affected and the teeth are whitened with a special high-source beam. Depending on the patient’s tooth structure and the color change in the teeth, this teeth whitening application takes between 45 minutes and 1 hour, and more than one session may be required depending on the person. Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure to whiten the natural color of teeth and make them appear whiter. Teeth whitening process removes stains on the surface of the teeth and discoloration of the tooth enamel, making the teeth appear whiter and brighter.

Teeth whitening can be done in a dentist’s office, or it can be done at home with products that can be made by yourself. While teeth whitening performed by the dentist gives faster results, at-home methods may be more economical. Teeth whitening by the dentist usually includes the following steps:

Cleaning the teeth: The dentist first cleans your teeth, removing stains and plaque from the surface of the teeth.

Protection of the gums: During the teeth whitening process, the gums are protected by a special barrier.

Application of the whitening gel: The dentist applies a whitening gel to your teeth and waits for a few minutes for the gel to take effect.

Activation of the gel with light: The dentist applies a special light on the whitening gel and this light increases the effect of the gel.

Cleaning the gel: The whitening gel is cleaned from the teeth and makes your teeth look whiter and brighter.

At-home teeth whitening is usually performed using dentist-prescribed whitening gels or strips. These gels or strips are usually attached to the teeth and left for several hours. These methods make the teeth appear whiter, but give results more slowly than the procedure done by the dentist.

Teeth whitening should be done by talking to a dentist and choosing an appropriate method, as it can cause tooth sensitivity or other dental problems in addition to whitening your teeth.

What are the benefits of teeth whitening?

The biggest benefit of teeth whitening is that it makes the teeth look whiter and brighter. Stains or discoloration on the teeth over time can cause a person’s teeth to appear more dull or yellow. Teeth whitening process removes these stains and makes teeth appear whiter and brighter. Having whiter teeth can increase a person’s self-confidence and help them have a more aesthetic smile. This can help the person get more positive results in their social relationships and business life.

Another benefit of teeth whitening is that it increases one’s interest in dental care. People who whiten their teeth usually do more regular brushing and dental check-ups. . This can help keep teeth healthy and prevent dental problems like cavities.

As a result, the teeth whitening process increases the self-confidence and encourages dental care by making the teeth appear whiter and brighter. However, teeth whitening should be done in consultation with a dentist and choosing an appropriate method, as it can harm dental health.

Is Teeth Whitening Process Harmful?

Tooth whitening, which is an application that anyone with healthy gums and teeth can easily have, is not harmful for teeth, contrary to popular belief.

There is no research in the literature showing that tooth whitening processes cause structural and irreversible damage to the teeth. However, teeth can be damaged as a result of unconsciously performing the teeth whitening process through advertisements and the use of hearsay materials.

Teeth whitening should be done in consultation with a dentist and under his/her recommendations and control.

What are the Teeth Whitening Methods?

5 different methods are preferred as home type, office type, single tooth whitening, combined teeth whitening and biological teeth whitening.

In the home-type teeth whitening method performed under the supervision of the dentist, the plaque that will perform the whitening process is designed according to the measure taken by the dentist and delivered to the patient for the patient to use at home.

Office type teeth whitening is recommended for patients with limited time. In a single session, a gel is applied on the teeth to ensure whitening and special light sources are used to enable faster activation of this gel.

In case of discoloration in a single tooth that has undergone root canal treatment or lost its health, teeth whitening is performed only for that tooth until it becomes compatible with other teeth again.

Combined teeth whitening is achieved by jointly applying all necessary procedures both in the office and at home.

Biological teeth whitening is a method of teeth whitening that protects tooth enamel while regulating tooth color.

How Long Does the Effect of Teeth Whitening Process Last?

Depending on the frequency of consumption of products such as tea, coffee, cola and cigarettes, the effect may last up to 2 years. When a healthier and more sustainable result is desired, the process should be supported by performing maintenance every 6 months.

How is Whitening Process Done at Home? Is it easy to apply?

Although it is done at home, it is done with the follow-up of the dentist. It is applied by squeezing gel on a transparent plaque prepared specifically for the individual with the measurements taken from the patient. It has an easy application.

Can I Use Whitening Kits in Markets and Pharmacies?

First of all, whitening is a procedure performed on the enamel tissue, it is recommended to be done under the control of a doctor, as irreversible damage may occur when exposed dentin tissue and exposed root surfaces.

Will I Have Pain After Teeth Whitening?

There is no pain during whitening. Although rare, moderate sensitivity is seen after bleaching, it disappears within 24-48 hours with fluoride or special desensitizing agents.

What Should I Pay Attention To After Teeth Whitening?

Tea, coffee, cigarettes, red wine, sour cherry juice should be avoided from foods and beverages that color the teeth. If care is not taken, discoloration can be observed. Increasing oral care is important in maintaining the effect of whitening.

Teeth Whitening with Questions and Answers

What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is part of the cosmetic dentistry. Discolored teeth can get their natural teeth colour with this option. In our clinics we can reach whiter than your natural teeth with Laser Whitening option, too.

How does it work?

There are different techniques to reach whiter teeth. Bleaching and Laser whitening are the most popular options. Teeth Bleaching is basically chemical washing the teeth while Laser Whitening includes less chemicals. Laser whitening does include cutting-edge dental laser touches to clear the discolored areas.

When is the best time to get teeth whitening?

Any time is the best, actually. Your dentist needs to inform you about how white your teeth are going to be seen. Your dentist also needs to see your teeth health before the treatment because if your tooth enamel is at a dangerous level then chemical washing would be a very bad option for you.

Who should perform this treatment?

A cosmetic dentist is the best, for short. A dentist who has a point of view for esthetic things can inform you better about results. A cosmetic dentist will focus each tooth individually, so you’ll see the best teeth in the mirror after whitening.

Mehmet Ali Koldas

He was born in 1989 in Izmir. After completing his primary, secondary and high school education in Torbalı, he went to high school in İzmir Atatürk High School.

In 2007, he started studying at Ege University, Faculty of Dentistry. In 2012, he started his specialization exam in Dentistry and started his residency in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Süleyman Demirel University.

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