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Dental Calculus (Tartar) Removal

Get information about Dental Calculus (Tartar) Removal with the explanation of specialist dentist Mehmet Ali Koldas.

dental calculus tartar removal

In addition to being unsightly, tartar can lead to gingivitis, periodontal diseases, and cavities caused by bacteria adhering to the teeth. Therefore, tartar should be regularly cleaned. The formation of tartar is influenced by factors such as bacterial plaque on the teeth, the composition of saliva, areas with high saliva flow, minerals in the saliva, and inadequate or improper brushing. Additionally, factors such as having irregular tooth surfaces, non-anatomical gaps between teeth, poor oral hygiene, and not using dental floss can contribute to tartar formation.

Tartar Removal

Tartar removal is a procedure performed by dentists in a clinical setting. Dentists use ultrasonic devices and sharp instruments like curettes to clean tartar from the tooth surface. Typically, this procedure is performed without anesthesia and is pain-free. The cleaning process usually involves scaling above the gum line, followed by polishing to remove plaque and smooth the tooth surface. If necessary, interdental areas are also cleaned using fine hand instruments to ensure the complete removal of tartar. To prevent tartar formation, it is essential to brush teeth regularly and correctly, use fluoride toothpaste, floss, and attend regular dental check-ups.

Importance of Regular Tartar Removal

If tartar is not removed, it can continue to progress below the gum line, adhering to the cementum on the tooth roots and becoming a diseased tissue. Normally, healthy gum tissue is attached to the teeth, but severely diseased gums separate from the teeth, creating periodontal pockets. In such cases, tartar removal alone is insufficient, and a curettage procedure is required. Curettage involves cleaning and smoothing the root surfaces under local anesthesia, allowing the gum to reattach to the root surface.

A common question is whether tartar removal damages teeth. In reality, not removing tartar is harmful to the teeth. Failure to clean tartar can lead to inflammation and periodontal diseases, which can result in tooth loss. Additionally, gingivitis can cause bone resorption in the jaw.

Maintaining Oral Health

Regular dental check-ups and tartar removal are the best ways to maintain oral health. For patients with good oral hygiene, tartar removal is recommended once a year, while for those with average oral care, it is recommended every six months. Although tartar can form in anyone, it is more prevalent in older individuals, those who consume acidic and sugary foods and beverages, heavy smokers, individuals with large gaps between teeth or crooked teeth, and patients taking certain medications. These individuals are advised to have more frequent tartar removal.

Mehmet Ali Koldas

He was born in 1989 in Izmir. After completing his primary, secondary and high school education in Torbalı, he went to high school in İzmir Atatürk High School.

In 2007, he started studying at Ege University, Faculty of Dentistry. In 2012, he started his specialization exam in Dentistry and started his residency in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Süleyman Demirel University.

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