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What Should Be Known About Aphthae During Pregnancy?

By 11 August 2023August 18th, 2023Dental Health3 min read

Aphthae, commonly known as canker sores or mouth ulcers, are small, painful lesions that can develop on the inside of the mouth, including the tongue, gums, and cheeks. While aphthae are not typically a serious health concern, they can cause discomfort, especially during pregnancy when the body undergoes various hormonal changes. Here are some important things to know about aphthae during pregnancy:

  1. Common Occurrence: Aphthae are relatively common, and many people experience them at some point in their lives, regardless of whether they’re pregnant or not.
  2. Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy can contribute to the development of aphthae. Some pregnant individuals may experience an increase in the frequency or severity of mouth ulcers.
  3. Triggers: Certain factors can trigger or exacerbate aphthae, including stress, trauma to the mouth, spicy or acidic foods, and vitamin deficiencies. Pregnant individuals might be more susceptible to these triggers due to the changes in their bodies.
  4. Pain and Discomfort: Aphthae can be quite painful, causing discomfort while speaking, eating, or drinking. The pain can be particularly bothersome during pregnancy when other physical discomforts are also being experienced.
  5. Management and Relief: While there is no cure for aphthae, there are steps pregnant individuals can take to manage and find relief from the pain and discomfort:
    • Using over-the-counter topical gels or ointments designed to numb the area and provide temporary relief.
    • Rinsing the mouth with a warm saltwater solution to promote healing and alleviate discomfort.
    • Avoiding spicy, acidic, and abrasive foods that can further irritate the ulcers.
    • Using a soft-bristle toothbrush and being gentle while brushing to avoid irritation.
    • Staying hydrated to keep the mouth moist and support healing.
  6. Consulting a Healthcare Provider: If you’re pregnant and experiencing frequent or severe aphthae, it’s a good idea to consult your healthcare provider, obstetrician, or dentist. They can help determine if there are any underlying issues contributing to the ulcers and provide appropriate guidance for management.
  7. Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation: If you’re pregnant, it’s important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet to support your well-being and that of your developing baby. Adequate intake of vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins and folic acid, can help support oral health.

Remember that every pregnancy is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. If you’re unsure about how to manage aphthae during pregnancy, or if you have concerns about your oral health, it’s best to seek guidance from a healthcare professional who can provide personalized advice and recommendations.

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