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What is Lip Tie Disease?

By 14 August 2023August 18th, 2023Dental Health3 min read

“Lip tie” is a condition that refers to the presence of an unusually tight or thick band of tissue (frenulum) that attaches the upper lip to the gums or the upper jaw. This condition is also known as “lip tethering” or “upper lip frenulum attachment.” Lip tie is similar to tongue tie (ankyloglossia), which involves a tight or thick band of tissue beneath the tongue that can restrict its movement.

Lip tie can vary in severity and may cause different degrees of restriction in lip movement. In some cases, a lip tie may not cause any noticeable issues, while in others, it can lead to problems with breastfeeding, speech development, oral hygiene, and even cosmetic concerns.

Common symptoms and issues associated with lip tie may include:

  1. Breastfeeding Difficulties: Infants with a severe lip tie may have difficulty latching onto the breast, leading to issues with breastfeeding. Proper latching is essential for effective feeding and preventing nipple discomfort for the mother.
  2. Speech Development Issues: In some cases, a pronounced lip tie can affect speech development, particularly the ability to pronounce certain sounds and articulate words properly.
  3. Gum Recession: A tight lip tie can contribute to gum recession and tooth gap formation, especially when the frenulum pulls on the gums.
  4. Cosmetic Concerns: Some individuals may be concerned about the appearance of a prominent lip tie, especially if it causes the upper lip to appear tethered or restricted.
  5. Oral Hygiene Challenges: A tight lip tie can make it more difficult to maintain proper oral hygiene, as the lip movement might be limited during toothbrushing and flossing.

Treatment options for lip tie depend on the severity of the condition and the associated symptoms. If a lip tie is causing breastfeeding difficulties, speech issues, or other concerns, healthcare professionals such as pediatricians, lactation consultants, dentists, or oral surgeons may be involved in the assessment and treatment process. Treatment options might include:

  • Observation: In some cases, a minor lip tie might not require immediate intervention and may be monitored to see if it resolves on its own.
  • Lip Tie Release (Frenectomy): If the lip tie is causing significant issues, a minor surgical procedure called a frenectomy may be performed. This involves cutting or releasing the tight tissue to improve lip movement and alleviate associated problems.

If you suspect that you or your child has a lip tie and are concerned about its impact on breastfeeding, speech, or oral health, it’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide a proper assessment and guidance on the appropriate treatment approach.

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