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Root Canal Treatment

Get information about Root Canal Treatment with the explanation of specialist dentist Mehmet Ali Koldas.

root canal treatment

Root canal treatment is a method that is applied by treating both the root and the upper side of the teeth that have been rotted by the worn-out microorganisms that have been infected over time. After root canal treatment, the nerve at the root of the tooth is removed, and that area is disinfected and filled in a way that does not leak. After the root filling, the filling on the tooth is made. The nerve inside the tooth provides the sensation and vitality of the tooth. But when the nerve inside the tooth is lost, it does not mean we have lost our tooth. Root canal treated teeth are used for a long time with an ideal root canal treatment. Teeth that need root canal treatment that microorganisms have decayed can progress to abscess formation with infection of surrounding tissues if not treated. This abscess formation waited for a long time as a result of neglect, and with the geometric increase of microorganisms in the tooth, it became the dominant flora. An abscess is formed by infecting the surrounding tissues. The spot can spread to the surrounding vital tissues, such as the face, neck, under chin, tooth root and surrounding soft tissue and bone tissue, and many tissues in the face area. When an abscess occurs, the most important thing that doctors pay attention to is whether there is a significant involvement and parameters such as which surrounding tissues have spread. The most visible signs of infection are redness, swelling, high temperature of the relevant area, and loss of function. After taking the panoramic x-ray of the patient who applied to the clinic for root canal treatment, and the intraoral examination, the presence of infection and caries that have reached the tooth’s nerve is detected. After the tooth to be treated for root canal treatment is determined, local anesthesia is performed.

In some cases, the tooth may have lost its vitality. In such cases, root canal treatment can be performed without using anesthesia. Then, the rubber Cover, which we physicians call rubber dam, is applied to the related tooth. Then, the decayed tissue of the tooth is cleaned so that no decayed tissue remains until the nerve cavity. Then, the nerve chamber, where the mouth of the root canals is located, is opened beautifully, and then the multi-canals are accessed with the tools we call thin if. The diameters of these houses gradually increase, and then the nerve tissue inside the roots is removed.

Meanwhile, solutions such as hypochlorite chlorhexidine are used to disinfect the accumulated tissues in this area. After cleaning the canal, the root canal treatment is completed in a single session and sometimes in several sessions. On average, a root canal treatment takes about 30 minutes. Root canal treatment Although it is known as a painful treatment among people, actually painful root canal treatment is infection and inflammation in the tooth. After the root canal treatment, pain and sensitivity may be felt when pressing on what we call percussion in the days following the treatment. This is not an abnormal situation. This sensitivity will disappear spontaneously within 1-2 weeks. Root canal treatment has a success rate of 95%. In addition, good oral care can be used for life with regular dental check-ups. In cases where the tooth cannot be saved with root canal treatment or where root canal treatment is not performed, a bridge or implant treatment is applied to make a tooth in the relevant area. Both of these treatments are more expensive and troublesome than root canal treatment. For these reasons, it is necessary to solve all the problems that may occur with regular dental check-ups as soon as possible by using oral care tools and equipment without disrupting the care of the teeth.

Root Canal Treatment with Questions and Answers

What’s root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is basically cleaning and filling of the deeply decayed tooth root. Your dentist may suggest you root canal treatment when the decay in the tooth goes to the nerve canals. If you have an unbearable toothache especially when you drink something hot, that’s a big sign for root canal treatment.

When is root canal treatment needed?

Like mentioned above, you may feel it with extreme pain or sensation before you’re professionally consulted. However, there may be decaying teeth or roots that you don’t feel at all. Your dentist must inform you about how crucial the treatment is , because there are some situations where root canal treatment can not be postponed more than 1 week or the tooth may be lost.

Root canal treatment can be done as a pre-operational treatment or post-operational treatment, as well. A big operation like implant, crowns etc needs healthy root and oral condition, this is what may lead pre-op and post-op root canal treatments.

How does it work?

This endodontic treatment is making a therapy for the infected pulp of a tooth. Root canals and pulp chambers contain blood vessels, nerve tissue and cellular entities. Firstly, the dentist cleans these structures which are mentioned. Secondly, cleaned and decontaminated areas need to be filled properly.

Mehmet Ali Koldas

He was born in 1989 in Izmir. After completing his primary, secondary and high school education in Torbalı, he went to high school in İzmir Atatürk High School.

In 2007, he started studying at Ege University, Faculty of Dentistry. In 2012, he started his specialization exam in Dentistry and started his residency in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Süleyman Demirel University.

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